Queue Mangement System

Marks another milestone in the development of queue management system (QMS) technology.




System monitoring, reporting, maintenance and control can be performed remotely via standard web browser. No software installation is needed. Future software upgrade is easier as it only involves the main system controller. Web interface also offers ease of use and shorter learning time.
Besides the standard reports, user is empowered to design their own report by selecting the desired QMS metrics and groupings. The user is allowed to arrange the sequence of the fields in the report.
The mobile app offers great convenience and time saving to the customers. The customers can see the number of people waiting for each service, request ticket remotely and notified when their turns are approaching. The app is a great way to promote paperless and support the Green Initiative.




QMS400i is an integrated queue management system that offers sophisticated system features and affordability. It incorporates advanced embedded system technologies and supports LAN and web accessibility. It provides real time status views and reports on service, counter and staff performances. Data are captured and stored in flash memories, and optionally can be uploaded to central QMS server at head office or data centre.
QMS400i offers the ideal solution for customers who are looking for affordable queue management systems to cater for a small number of counters. By using advanced electronics and an integrated approach, QMS400i is able to minimise system component counts and achieve significant cost savings.

